FL19 - Day 5

The Perkins lunch was simply enormous. Luckily we have learned over the years not to go too far. 

Despite an offer of pie or other dessert we said no. Only to fall victim of the muffins at the checkout. Buy 3 get 3 free. 

We were good and bought only two

TomTom took us back home. The trick seems to be not to have Vistana as the start point. Tom seems incapable of forgetting the waypoint when it suits... 

Once again we endured the I4 massive building site. It doesn't seem much has happened since we were last blighted by it in September 2017. At least this time we passed the Ace Cafe at ground level...

Once back it was Kindle time and to check our photos from the morning.

Dinner tonight is the lazy man's wings from Winn Dixie. A bucket we managed, with help from the counter guy, to get 19 in the small bucket.

Mine washed down with a local beer.

It rained quite hard on our little trip up Apopka to WD. But it soon dries up. Even in the rain it is 75°F.

The high today according to the car was 93°F in full sun. The thermometers along the road sides showed no more than 89°F!

So what will we do tomorrow. Rain is expected. 
