Don't have a satnav?
Okay. Not everyone is tooled up with all the "must have" paraphanalia. So.....
How will we avoid getting lost. On shorter local runs we use the "drop off" system. This employs a "marker" at junctions to show the way to go. Usually this is the second person in the string of riders. It usually works pretty well. And I feel we need to give it a go after we leave the A26 near Arras.
It will be more difficult on this trip with 50 miles of toll motorway at each end and a our 150 of French country roads in between. But we are men and one woman!!
I suggest we agree a maximum speed limit on the motorway before we land in France. A speed that is comfortable to everyone. Personally I like to get a move on and with the toll road limit at 130km/h, that seems perfectly reasonable as the maximum speed. My cruise control will keep that, dead on!
On the D roads we may encounter some local plod and I suggest we keep around the limit of 90km/h unless signed otherwise.
As for the satnavless. We need to keep them in the middle of the pack.
Oh. Full tanks please.
On the boat we will have the full briefing and risk assessment as required by the SOC.
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