Florida 2015!

In the last post I said that we had only been back a few weeks and we were looking to next yeat... Well. It didn't take a lot of thinking.  So I booked the air fare.

I have been checking Skyscanner for a couple of weeks and fares are hovering about the £610 to £625 level except one that seems impossible to book at £567.

In the end we decided not to wait for that and booked LGW to Tampa with Travelup who we used last year and who handled the Air Canada up-cock very well.

Gatwick to Tampa is a daily flight and so I am keeping fingers crossed that British Airways don't make any changes. To keep the fares down we have booked Thursday to Thursday.  On Friday and weekends the fares rocket.

The strange thing is that Tampa is much cheaper that either Orlando and Miami?

Next the job is to find a timeshare. This year we have only one week to use and so the other days will allow us to travel around see things.

On the 2015 list are Epcot, Spaceport USA and maybe some of the mid-Atlantic coast resorts and sights. Whether any of these will make it is debatable.


  1. Sweet. Glad you liked it so much you two decided to return.


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