Where to go in 2021?
Judging by the reports in the mainstream media it seems that since we have begun to roll out the vaccines against Covid-19 to about a sixth of the UK population (although that proportion is greater once you remove kids who won't get it) people have started booking holidays/vacations abroad and also in the UK! This seems madly premature, but if there are refund guarantees I suppose people want to feel there is an end to it. So for me/us. Where to go? All the planning I did last year for the trip to France/Italy and Switzerland is still there and loaded into the TomTom. It would just be a matter of checking what I wrote on the blog and re-book where I can. Instead with all the scenic railways I have been looking at on the TV programme "World's Most Scenic Railway Journeys" some of them look worth a visit and would be less of a major trek. Okay we have the choice of two cars and two motorcycles, but the latter though my favourite is ruled out as Claire won't go on ...